7:30-9 pm (PST) // Cinder Skies
w/ Ashley DeWitt & Sarah Minor
5:30-6:45 pm // "Welcome Back Reading"
w/ Jesse Sensibar, M. S. Coe, & Nicole Walker
7-9 pm // Abalone Mountain Press presents...* Shaina Nez, Laura Da', Taté Walker, Laura Tohe, Ofelia Zepeda, Danielle Geller
*This event includes a free raffle with book giveaways.
9-10:30 am // Museum of Northern Arizona National Poetry Month Reading
w/ Lindsey Curley, Lance Tubinaghtewa, Chael Moore, Sareya Taylor, Jaclyn Roessel, Sage Lacapa, Megan Russell, Manny Loley
10:30-11:45 am // Generative Poetry Workshop
w/ Anthony Madrid
12-1 pm // Editing & Publishing Panel
w/ Emily Forney (BookEnds Literary Agency), Ryan Drendel (Thin Air Magazine), Tyler Mitchell (Salina Bookshelf), Risa Pappas (Tolsun Books)
1-2 pm // Tolsun Books Presents...
w/ Jennifer Battisti, Robert Campbell, Jordan Franklin, and Sara Daniele Rivera
2-3 pm // Salina Bookshelf Presents...
w/ Jolyana Begay-Kroupa and Rex Lee Jim
3-4 pm // Poetry Out Loud: Hunter Hazelton & Northern Arizona Region Semifinalists
w/ Hunter Hazelton, Isabella Constante, Arabella Licher, & Christina Schweiss
4-6 pm // Diné Reader (U of A Press)
w/ Esther Belin, Sherwin Bitsui, Erik Bitsui, Tatum Begay, Hershman John, & Venaya Yazzie
7-9 pm // NOAZBF Featured Reading
w/ Tacey Atsitty, Ansel Elkins, & Benjamin Garcia
9-10:30 am // Southwest Literary Journal Reading w/ Thin Air Magazine, Hayden's Ferry Review, Sonora Review, Chapter House Journal, Curios
10:30 am-12 pm // Southwest MFA Salon
w/ Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona, Institute of American Indian Arts, Coconino Community College, & Colorado State
2-4 pm // Outspokin' & Bookish Collective Care Zine Making Workshop and Exchange: Can I Hold This For You?
w/ Amanda Meeks
Sa, 4/10 @ 4 pm // Young Adult Reading
w/ Aden Polydoros & Bill Konigsberg
Sa, 4/10 @ 5 pm // Eggtooth Editions
w/ Sagaree Jain, Megan Heise, Eugenie Montague, Katie Quinnelly, Arati Warrier
M, 4/12 @ 6 pm // Exploring Performance, Writing, and Visual Arts
w/ Sarah Minor
Sa, 4/17 @ 1 pm // Generative Poetry Workshop
Poetic Technique & Memory: Translating Past into Present
w/ National Poetry Series Winner, Benjamin Garcia
Meeting ID: 93993991411
Password: kM7RFQ
M, 4/19 @ 6 pm //Performance Poetry
w/ Henry Goldkamp & Rodrigo Toscano
Meeting ID: 91910974835
Password: NOAZBF21
Sa, 4/24 @ 12-2 pm // Carbon Copy presents...
Reading & Editing the Environment
w/ Craig Santos Perez, Eshani Surya, Taylor Brorby, & more
Meeting ID: 98887628219
Password: noazbf